Boxplot in R – R Boxplot

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Ergibt die Datentabelle


Boxplot Befehle

If the names are too long and they do not fit into the plot’s window you can increase it by using the option par:

boxplot(data, las = 2, par(mar = c(12, 5, 4, 2)+ 0.1),names = c(„Station 1″,“Station 2″,“Station 3″,“Station 4″,“Station 1″,“Station 2″,“Station 3″,“Station 4″,“Station 1″,“Station 2″,“Station 3″,“Station 4“))

Now I want to group the 4 stations so that the division in 3 successive days is clearer. To do that I can use the option at, which let me specify the position, along the X axis, of each box-plot:

boxplot(data, las = 2, at =c(1,2,3,4, 6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14), par(mar = c(12, 5, 4, 2) + 0.1), names =c(„Station 1″,“Station 2″,“Station 3″,“Station 4″,“Station 1″,“Station 2″,“Station 3″,“Station 4″,“Station 1″,“Station 2″,“Station 3″,“Station 4“))

Here I am specifying that I want the first 4 box-plots at position x=1, x=2, x=3 and x=4, then I want to leave a space between the fourth and the fifth and place this last at x=6, and so on.

If you want to add colours to your box plot, you can use the option col and specify a vector with the colour numbers or the colour names. You can find the colour numbers here, and the colour names here.

Here is an example:

boxplot(data, las = 2, col= c(„red“,“sienna“,“palevioletred1″,“royalblue2″,“red“,“sienna“,“palevioletred1″,“royalblue2″,“red“,“sienna“,“palevioletred1″,“royalblue2″), at = c(1,2,3,4, 6,7,8,9, 11,12,13,14), par(mar = c(12,5, 4, 2) + 0.1), names = c(„Station 1″,“Station 2″,“Station 3″,“Station 4″,“Station 1″,“Station 2″,“Station 3″,“Station 4″,“Station 1″,“Station 2″,“Station 3″,“Station 4“))

Now, for the finishing touches, we can put some labels to plot.

The common way to put labels on the axes of a plot is by using the arguments xlab and ylab.

Let’s try it:

boxplot(data, ylab =„Oxigen (%)“, xlab =„Time“, las = 2, col= c(„red“,“sienna“,“palevioletred1″,“royalblue2″,“red“,“sienna“,“palevioletred1″,“royalblue2″,“red“,“sienna“,“palevioletred1″,“royalblue2″),at = c(1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14), par(mar = c(12, 5, 4, 2) + 0.1), names =c(„Station 1″,“Station 2″,“Station 3″,“Station 4″,“Station 1″,“Station 2″,“Station 3″,“Station 4″,“Station 1″,“Station 2″,“Station 3″,“Station 4“))

I just added the two arguments highlighted, but the result is not what I was expecting 

As you can see from the image above, the label on the Y axis is place very well and we can keep it. On the other hand, the label on the X axis is drawn right below the stations names and it does not look good.

To solve this is better to delete the option xlab from the boxplot call and instead use an additional function called mtext(), that places a text outside the plot area, but within the plot window. To place text within the plot area (where the box-plots are actually depicted) you need to use the function text().

The function mtext() requires 3 arguments: the label, the position and the line number.

An example of a call to the function mtext is the following:

mtext(“Label”, side = 1, line = 7)

the option side takes an integer between 1 and 4, with these meaning: 1=bottom, 2=left, 3=top, 4=right

The option line takes an integer with the line number, starting from 0 (which is the line closer to the plot axis). In this case I put the label onto the 7th line from the X axis.

With these option you can produce box plot for every situation.

The following is just one example:

data<-data.frame(Stat11=rnorm(100,mean=3,sd=2), Stat21=rnorm(100,mean=4,sd=1), Stat31=rnorm(100,mean=6,sd=0.5), Stat41=rnorm(100,mean=10,sd=0.5), Stat12=rnorm(100,mean=4,sd=2), Stat22=rnorm(100,mean=4.5,sd=2), Stat32=rnorm(100,mean=7,sd=0.5), Stat42=rnorm(100,mean=8,sd=3), Stat13=rnorm(100,mean=6,sd=0.5), Stat23=rnorm(100,mean=5,sd=3), Stat33=rnorm(100,mean=8,sd=0.2), Stat43=rnorm(100,mean=4,sd=4))

data<-data.frame(Stat11=rnorm(100,mean=3,sd=2), Stat21=rnorm(100,mean=4,sd=1), Stat31=rnorm(100,mean=6,sd=0.5), Stat41=rnorm(100,mean=10,sd=0.5), Stat12=rnorm(100,mean=4,sd=2), Stat22=rnorm(100,mean=4.5,sd=2), Stat32=rnorm(100,mean=7,sd=0.5), Stat42=rnorm(100,mean=8,sd=3), Stat13=rnorm(100,mean=6,sd=0.5), Stat23=rnorm(100,mean=5,sd=3), Stat33=rnorm(100,mean=8,sd=0.2), Stat43=rnorm(100,mean=4,sd=4))

boxplot(data, las = 2, col = c(„red“,“sienna“,“palevioletred1″,“royalblue2″,“red“,“sienna“,“palevioletred1″,“royalblue2″,“red“,“sienna“,“palevioletred1″,“royalblue2″), at = c(1,2,3,4, 6,7,8,9, 11,12,13,14), par(mar = c(12, 5, 4, 2) + 0.1), names = c(„“,““,““,““,““,““,““,““,““,““,““,““), ylim=c(-6,18)) #Station labelsmtext(„Station1″, side=1, line=1, at=1, las=2, font=1, col=“red“)mtext(„Station2″, side=1, line=1, at=2, las=2, font=2, col=“sienna“)mtext(„Station3″, side=1, line=1, at=3, las=2, font=3, col=“palevioletred1“)mtext(„Station4″, side=1, line=1, at=4, las=2, font=4, col=“royalblue2“)mtext(„Station1″, side=1, line=1, at=6, las=2, font=1, col=“red“)mtext(„Station2″, side=1, line=1, at=7, las=2, font=2, col=“sienna“)mtext(„Station3″, side=1, line=1, at=8, las=2, font=3, col=“palevioletred1“)mtext(„Station4″, side=1, line=1, at=9, las=2, font=4, col=“royalblue2“)mtext(„Station1″, side=1, line=1, at=11, las=2, font=1, col=“red“)mtext(„Station2″, side=1, line=1, at=12, las=2, font=2, col=“sienna“)mtext(„Station3″, side=1, line=1, at=13, las=2, font=3, col=“palevioletred1“)mtext(„Station4″, side=1, line=1, at=14, las=2, font=4, col=“royalblue2“) #Axis labelsmtext(„Time“, side = 1, line = 6, cex = 2, font = 3)mtext(„Oxigen (%)“, side = 2, line = 3, cex = 2, font = 3) #In-plot labelstext(1,-4,“*“)text(6,-4,“*“)text(11,-4,“*“) text(2,9,“A“,cex=0.8,font=3)text(7,11,“A“,cex=0.8,font=3)text(12,15,“A“,cex=0.8,font=3)

Boxplot R

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